You've chosen well in terms of your career! You're pursuing the education that is most necessary for a job in business and finance.
2) The CGMA Finance Leadership Program route
The CGMA® Finance Leadership Program is a competency-based digital learning experience and your pathway to earn The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)® Professional Qualification and the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation.
The CGMA Finance Leadership Program is a combination of 2 elements; the self assessments and the case studies.
Self assessments requires students to analyze a scenario involving a model business through self-paced video lectures, assignments and practice tests. Pre-seen materials provided before the exam, including information about the model business, frame an immersive real world experience.
The case study exams of OCS, MCS and SCS offer a simulation-based testing format that brings together the knowledge, skills and techniques you acquire throughout the CGMA Finance Leadership Program and across each of the three levels: Operational, Management and Strategic. You’ll conduct research and execute solutions to complex challenges facing a model company in a comprehensive real world scenario.
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